lundi 15 septembre 2014

Clarification about the Original Sin and 7 deadly sins

As I said in my previous article, my story will involve the Original Sin, and the Seven Deadly sins...

But I may have to explain, what, in my opinion,  are the Deadly sins. 

First at all, the Original Sin. The "ancestor" of all the vices of this world. It still  doesn't mean, that this was the worst of the Sin. It's just the one which triggered the fact that others sins appeared. 

Because of that, my "original sin"  story will be the first of all the series. 

Then , comes the Pride or Vanity.

 Being over-selfish. I don't think that loving ourselves is a very bad think, actually, with this society,  if you seem to be too selfless , you will get to be used by other people. 

Buuut , loving ourselves AND despise everyone else, this is bad. And I'm not joking

All of this to say that being selfless is the antithesis, the extreme opposite to being proud. 

This sin, is for some people, the worst vice. You will inevitably go to hell. Just look at what happens to Lucifer , who wanted to compete with God. Ah. 

If someone commits the sin of pride, He will be all like "I'm soooo much better than everyone else on this earth, compared  to me, they are all losers, ants blablabla" 

This is Pride.

After that, there is Lust

Lust ( do not confuse it with Envy please) is the intense desire of money, fame, power, and sex. Actually, this is the latter one which is really associated with Lust. 

To make it short, it is the research of pleasure, for pleasure. And this is baaaaad.

Then, there is also Greed.


Especially concerning money, The Greed, first of all, is a excess. it's the desire to own and keep ththings that are not of primary use, which we can live without it. It is  possessing things for what they are, a kind of trophy collection. 
And this is baaaaad. (again)
Note: In this story, The sin of Greed, will NOT concern money. 

Next, we have Envy

Envy, is (again) a desire of something, or someone. What differentiates it from the Greed or Lust, is that Envy is desire to have something you don't have, but someone else has. Seeing someone happy with something, or another person can lead you to want the something/someone   concerned. And it is Baaaaaaaaad (no, I'm not gonna stop this)

The Gluttony is coming  next!

It is quite difficult to  describe this sin. Easy and complicated at once. Let's just say that Gluttony can be defined by the fact , of eating too much, eating all the time, eating everything, etc....
And again, This is.....(Do I really have to finish that sentence? Yes? Okay ) Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

Then comes Sloth

Aahhh.....My favorite one. Sloth, can be spiritual or physical sloth.
 Not getting up from bed, is physical sloth.
 Not doing homework , saying we have a week to do it, and then doing it the morning of the day we shall give the homework to the teacher, it is spiritual sloth (Admit it. We all have done this at least one time! )
i think you might got the idea. In fact, Sloth is a lack of motivation.

And it is Baaaaaaaaaaad! 

After this, we have Wrath

Wrath is complicated. Again. Everybody knows how it feels to be angry. Wrath is the superior level. Also known as rage, it's having uncontrolled feelings of hatred. Wanting to take revenge  enough to have a death-wish, it's rage. Plus, Wrath will only destroy the one who wants revenge.
And, this is very, very bad. 


A long ago, there was a eighth sin, the vainglory, which roughly is narcissism. But in the 14th century, it was folded in the Pride/Vanity Sin. 

Then the conclusion (finally) 

For making short , Committing a sin is BAAAAAAAAAAD and will send you to hell and you will sink into darkness forever like this:


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